Once you have identified your problem, you are ready to begin the process of finding a solution. This process basically involves exploring possible solutions and deciding which option you will implement.

This process can be simple, especially if you are already familiar with the particular problem you are trying to solve. For example, I have struggled with weight issues since I was young. I have already done a lot of the process of sorting through the different approaches to weight loss, and I know which one has worked for me in the past. Therefore, when I find myself in a situation where I need to lose weight, I don’t have to go back and find what works all over again.

If you are unfamiliar with your problem, or if you have never experienced a satisfactory solution to an ongoing dilemma, the process of identifying the solution will probably take more time. You may find yourself overwhelmed with all the information, and all the people who are trying to sell you on different solutions.

I will outline some principles that I find to be very helpful in the process we are discussing. These principles can be applied in a variety of different problem solving situations.

1. Do your research. Take advantage of all the information that is available. Make sure your information comes from valid sources (for example, if you read an article in a magazine that says “Advertisement”, realize that the source of the article is trying to sell you their product. Therefore the article may not be very objective).

2. Seek information from others who have experienced the same problem you have, and who you feel have successfully resolved or managed their issue. I have found this way of exploring options to be very useful.

3. Consider the resources you are able to put into solving this problem. Be realistic. How much money, time and effort can you afford to put toward solving this problem? What are the differences in cost between solutions?

4. When considering options, it is important that the method you choose is congruent with your personal values.

5. Don’t overanalyze and get stuck in this step. It is better to choose an option, try it and fail then it is to become paralyzed at this stage because you aren’t sure what to do. Failure is a great tool that can help you refine your search for a solution that works. In Steve Pavlina’s Personal Development for Smart People he talks about how it is better to take the “Ready, fire, aim” approach rather than the “Ready aim aim aim aim” approach. Meaning that firing at the wrong target can give you valuable feedback so you can aim more accurately the next time. But if you just keep aiming without firing, you will definately not hit your target.

6. Have an open mind. Some of the best solutions ever have been found when people were creative and were able to think outside the box.

7. Listen to your intuition . Learn to connect with your inner voice and learn to trust yourself. Remember that you are the expert when it comes to you. Have confidence in your ability to choose the way that will work for you. Read this excellent article that delves more deeply into the role of intuition in decision making.

Take the time and effort to make the best decision you can. But as I mentioned in step #5, don’t get stuck here because you can’t decide how you want to resolve your problem. Make the best decision you can with the information you have.

Once you have decided on a course of action, it is time to make a specific plan. That process will be addressed in the next section of this series.

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